Wednesday, July 28, 2010


I haven't posted about my boys in such a long time. They's such amazing, different little people.

Ry is actually his own little personality now. He's starting to talk now and we can actually recognize the person that he's going to be. He's a big lover, a big whiner, and definitely a little "monkey see, monkey do". He loves to cuddle and will just climb up on to one our laps and lay his head on our shoulder or chest. If he's not cuddling, he's following Andrew around and copying everything that Andrew does and says. It's pretty hilarious.

Andrew is getting to be a big boy. I'm blown away by how much he comprehends now. He's SO smart. We can actually have an conversation with an intelligent little boy. He realizes that Ryan worships him and he loves to give Ryan direction. Of course, Andrew can still be a wild child every now and then but we're getting that under control with his diet.

Both boys love each other so much. Mornings are always funny when one kid wakes up before the other because whoever is up first wants to wake up the other. Quite a few times Ryan has stood at the bottom of the steps and yelled "Drew Drew, Drew Drew" On occasion, he'll also yell for "AhhhDrew" Andrew isn't kind enough to just yell for Ryan. Drew will just fly up the steps and slam into Ryan's room.

I just love my boys so much. I can't wait to do so many cool things with them. Love you boys!!!! :)

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

They're growing up.

Ry is 13 months old now and he's becoming a thinking and interactive little boy. For months now, it's been practically impossible to change his diaper... he bucks and rolls and is just a little brat. Well, today at school he was getting his diaper changed and his teacher, Ruth, said, "Ryan you lay still and look into my eyes". Ryan put his little finger in Ruth's face and said, "no! no! no!". Little stinker! I think he's going to be more of a character than Andrew. Ryan and that little finger of his are quite bossy. Yesterday morning he came into a group of kids at school and started wagging that finger at the kids. They all looked at him like he might be a little crazy. Ryan also barks at Andrew and points that finger at him. It's so funny. I guess nobody intimidates Ryan. He's not speaking many real words but he definitely knows how to get his point across.

Andrew has become quite the little singer. He came home from pre-school singing a new song and he signs it ALL THE TIME....

Oh the Lord is good to me
I thank the Lord
He brings me the things I need
Sunshine and apple trees
Oh the Lord is good to me.

It's so sweet to hear his little voice singing that song. He loves his brother now too. He thinks of him and asks where he is, he likes to play with Ryan, and he shares with him when he has good snacks. It melts my heart to see them together.

I love my boys!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Mom, Dad, I dropped a poop!

I've been thinking that potty training is NEVER going to happen with Andrew. He's only so-so at school and sometimes, at home, he has an absolute hissy fit when we suggest sitting on the potty.

So, tonight Andrew told me that he wanted to pee on the potty. I wasn't even going to let him because it's always a waste of time. But, he's gotta learn eventually so I let him. I don't even bother sitting in there anymore, I ran downstairs. Suddenly, Andrew yelled "Mom, Dad, I dropped a poop!" It was so funny. We both go running to find a tiny little turd in the toilet. That was exciting, but what was more exciting was how thrilled Andrew was. He stood up, pumped his fist in the air and said "yes". He had the hugest smile on his face. Then he had to give us "five". Then he gave us the double thumbs up. He was so excited. Of course, we then gave him ice cream. At almost 3 yrs. old, poop = ice cream. We'll do anything to get him trained. I just wish I had a picture of Andrew's face. I've never seen him so excited.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Andrew's on a roll...

He's absolutely killing me tonight. This kid is becoming a smart little man overnight.

First, we were out to buy dog food. Andrew was running ahead of us. He ran straight to the brand of dog food we buy, and pulled the bag out to put on the cart. How in the world the world did this kid remember what brand we buy? I think that's pretty impressive. Also, how did he move a 40 lb. bag??

Next, we were checking out at Home Depot in the self scan aisle. I scanned our stuff, bagged it, and paid. As I was loading our bags into the cart, I hear "beep". Andrew had grabbed a bag of M&Ms and scanned them. Mike & I noticed and told Andrew no, he couldn't have them. As we're looking at the screen trying to figure out how to cancel what he scanned, Andrew walked behind our backs and threw his M&M's into the bagging area. That kid is smart!! How could we not buy the M&Ms after that? Fortunately, Andrew forgot about the whole thing so Mommy scored some M&Ms :)

Lastly, tonight is garbage night. Mike went out the back door to take out trash and told Andrew to meet him out front. Andrew walks out the front door and yells, "Michael... Michael... Mike!" What happened to Daddy?? Andrew is such a little commedian.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


They should make a Perseverance motivational poster with Andrew's face on it. We put him up in bed a little after 8. Since he hasn't been staying in bed, Mike locked all of the doors up there (except Andrew's) and he closed the gate at the top of the steps. Andrew cried for a little while but eventually got quiet. We assumed he went to bed. A little bit ago - about 2 hrs.after we laid him down - Mike went up to go to bed. Andrew somehow found a metal hanger and unlocked all the doors. He also changed his own diaper. There was a dirty diaper lieing open on the floor and Andrew was wearing a clean size 4 diaper (he's in 5's now). I don't think Andrew needs us anymore. He seems to take care of himself just fine. Also, he was completely quiet when he did all of this. We didn't hear a sound downstairs... and our house isn't very soundproof.

When I think that this kid couldn't surprise me any more, he does something like this. My boy is too smart for his own good.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

What's that light?

Tonight Andrew pointed at the sky and said, "what's that light on right there?" So cute. He was talking about the moon. What the heck is that light? This kid just kills me on a daily basis. He loves his brother so much and he's so smart. He gave Ryan the cutest hugs while we were grocery shopping tonight. For the first time, Andrew and Ryan rode in the car shopping cart together. Now I know why I'm so happy to have boys 2 year apart. They both adore eachother so much. Andrew hugged Ryan so tightly and Ryan gave Andrew about a thousand hugs. I'm pretty sure that these boys are going to be very good friends in a few years.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Friends, soon enough.

I really can't wait until Ryan is a few months older so he's a decent playmate for Andrew. Andrew was so cute today, he wanted to play with Ryan so badly. Ryan was sitting in his bouncy seat watching a little TV when Andrew walked over, crossed his arms and rested them on the bouncy seat, then said "Ryan, please come color with me, pleeeaaaasssse." It was the cutest thing ever. This was the first time that Andrew has actually talked to Ryan like he was a person. Andrew was so adorable. I ended up picking Ryan up and holding him at the table while Andrew colored. Andrew kept offering Ryan crayons but Ryan really had no interest in holding them. I'd take Ry's hand and make him scribble a few lines. Andrew was also coloring with the crayon held between his teeth and he kept trying to have Ryan do the same. It was really the cutest thing I've ever witnessed. I'm so happy to see that Andrew is finally seeing Ryan as a little friend.

This evening Andrew wanted to lie on the floor with Ryan. He had a huge pile of blankets and pillows and he wanted to make a little fort under one of Ryan's little arched toys. I was holding Ryan and Andrew kept directing me to lie Ryan here or there. Ryan is just so fascinated with Andrew. He gets the biggest smile when he watches what Andrew is doing. This is such a fun time with my babies.

Also, a new development on the Ryan front...

On the night of Jan 15th, like usual, Ryan woke me up at 3:30am for a bottle. Most nights, Ryan is still half asleep, wailing in his crib, waiting for me to come. This night when I walked in, Ryan's eyes were wide open and he was lieing there with both of his little feet in his hands. This was the first time he found his feet. Of course, the little stinker had to do it at 3:30 in the morning.

A final note - Ryan is working on cutting his first tooth. It's the lower left tooth. He's been a beast to deal with. Ry's teething process is definitely nothing like Andrew's. Hope this little sucker hurries up and pops through. Can't handle too many crabby evenings like we've been having.